Sunday, September 1, 2013

Who am I? I am...

I am a Neuroscience Major at The Ohio State University. I am a part of the Morrill Scholar Program. I am from Mesa, Arizona, and love it there, but I wanted to experience another part of the US before settling. I have never lived somewhere where it snows. I was born in Mexico City and have lived in 5 places including Columbus in my lifetime. I like to travel the world and experience new cultures. I have been to Mexico, Canada, China, and Malaysia. I have 5 people in my family. My mom Martha, my dad Jose, my sister Maria, and my brother Emilio, I am very family oriented and love going out to the movies with them, or having game nights. They live in Malaysia right now. I spent the summer there and I am going to visit them during winter break.
I like to think of myself as an outgoing individual; I genuinely love meeting new people, and hearing about their lives and experiences. I do however have a downfall as a “people person”, I am terrible at remembering names. I have met so many new people these past three weeks,that I know I made the right decision coming to OSU.
I am always involved in some type of club or organization. In high school I volunteered at a hospital and was a part of the orchestra, National Honor Society, and Club Diversity. I like to volunteer in my community because I know that I change people lives for the better, and it makes me appreciate what I have in my life even more. I also enjoy learning from other’s ideas on how to make our community better. The people who created the projects, like Project C.U.R.E, Special Olympics, soup kitchens, etc., that I have been involved in are social entrepreneurs. I will one day be a social entrepreneur, but I am waiting for my idea to flourish, to have a set goal. Meanwhile I am proud to be a part of other people’s projects; a leader has to know when it’s time to reach for your goals and when it’s time to learn, and right now, it’s time to learn.

I am Martha Hernandez Morales.

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