Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just Do You- Mission Statement

"The joy of life consists in the exercises of one's energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal." 

-Aleister Crowley

Purpose. Purpose can mean different things to different people, even the dictionaries can seem to agree on what it means, dictionary. com has 5 different definitions, so how am I suppose to know what is being asked? I would like to define it my own way, to me purpose is the value that you apply to your everyday life. I live with the purpose that everyday, I am at least going to help make one person's day better. Whether it's by telling a stupid joke, or helping out with a homework question, or even something bigger like helping with an organization who's goal is to improve lots of people's lives. With this purpose, I know that I will leave the world a better place, and who wouldn't be content with that? 

This purpose was highly influenced by the people and experiences in my life. I am a daughter, and a sister. My parents have set me on the right path to grow and experience things that many people go a lifetime without seeing. I have gotten to travel the world, experience different cultures, and this has made me a better more educated person. I have had the comfort of a loving and supportive environment, which allowed me to concentrate on and perfect my goals. I am also a sister, which provides another lifelong type of support that is always good to count on. But I am also an the oldest sibling, making me the role model for my siblings, that doesn't mean I have to be perfect, that just means I have to learn from my mistakes, and show them that life goes on. I am a 18 years old, the age of learning what you REALLY want to do with your life, this time without having your parents holding your hand throughout every step, its the time to make mistakes, to change your mind, but its also the time to grow and NOT make the same mistakes more than once. I am Hispanic, meaning many times I am a minority within my community, but I believe this has made me a strong and better leader, and I embrace my diversity because it gives me a little edge and it gives me the opportunity to educate people about my culture; also it puts me in a position where I can help influence other people of my race to do great things. I am extrovert, I love meeting and being with new people. There are many things that define me, but I think I'll just stop there, because honestly this is getting lengthy!

"Beliefs shape values, which influence thoughts and actions." 
-Exploring Leadership pg. 131

I live by a set of values which include: honesty, perseverance, kindness, humility, and compassion, among others. Everything I do is done with these in mind. One cannot be themselves and stand up for what they believe in if they don't know what they believe in. I keep these clear in my mind, so that when society comes and tries to sway me to be something I'm not I can stand clear of it. At the end of the day I want to be able to say that I approve or can at least justify every decision I made that day. 

Another thing! 

My logic is we each have to live with our decision, so why let them be influenced by someone else?
Aspire to be someone you would look up to. 

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