Sunday, September 22, 2013

Yeah I'm an ORANGE ESTJ, deal with it!

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for  a successful personality and duplicate it."
Bruce Lee

I have now taken the True Colors test two times in the past month and both times have given me the outcome of a pretty even tie between orange, blue and green. I definitely think though that I am an orange at heart. I live for excitement and adventure, I am a very optimistic person, and I love developing spontaneous relationships. I like being around other oranges, because I love the positivity and the energy that comes from people like me. I feel comfortable being the only one talking, and I like to talk A LOT, which may or may not be one of my weaknesses as well as my strengths. People may think i'm annoying and hyperactive, but really i'm just excited to do things, and whether people believe it or not, I also know how to relax and not be as excitable, I think that's more of the blue and green in me.

Taking the MBTI helped broaden the characterization of my personality. In the MBTI I was characterized as an ESTJ (extroversion, sensing, thinking, judging),  but I can also identify with the ESFJ. When I enter a new environment I definitely try to to get a feel for the situation before jumping in and using only my previous knowledge to fix/work on a problem, but if it a situation I already know then I don't see the use in spending unnecessary time figuring out a new way to do things. The extroversion section of the MBTI speaks for the orange in me, I "do my best thinking out loud and in dialogue with other, and get energy by being around people" (Exploring Leadership pg 137). The J and P are another of my split personalities, in the work/school place I am a J, I need stuff to be done efficiently and with order, but when it comes to my personal and social life I am way more of a free spirit type of person, I love going out and figuring things out as the night progresses. 

I am a pretty free willed person, but I am smart, I know how to behave myself in all different types of situations, and I know the point where I make people uncomfortable. 
I know myself, I accept myself, and I love myself, and really in the end that's all that matters. 
That Arizona loving....


  1. Seeing that I am an orange I have to completely agree! I love being around other people who are a lot like me, and enjoy new things. My family always says I talk too much, but it's just because I have things to say! I like meeting new people, and being social. But, I do enjoy my alone time as well. After a long week, especially if I went out, I need time to relax and unwind. This is really unlike most oranges, but as much as I like being around others I am only child and like the peace and quiet as well.

  2. I'm an orange as well and am happy to say that true color fits me best! The one thing that was interesting to me was that most oranges seem to be extroverted while I'm introverted. I found this interesting since most of the qualities do seem to be fitted with that of an extrovert. Anyway I wouldn't want my true color to be anything else.

  3. This was excellent. Good job Martha!!
