Tuesday, October 29, 2013

One More Chance

Everyone in the world deserves at least one chance to do great things in with their lives. One chance to show their true colors and embrace their talents. But, with the way the world is right now that is nearly impossible. In one the many third world countries could be living the next Steve Jobs or on a hospital bed dying from a terminal illness the next Albert Einstein, and we wouldn't even know if we don't go out of our way to help these people. Everyone deserves to be healthy, safe, and educated. 

There are many great clubs and organizations out there that help do this, and those are the types of organizations I like to be a part of. Organizations that raise money to find the cure to illnesses like cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes are all a great way to give someone a chance. Programs like Latino Leadership Development Institute (LLDI) and First Year Collegian Learning Community (FYC) that teach undergraduate students to lead and have initiative help make more community conscious people who could also be the change. Or even philanthropies that raise money to give to the less fortunate, whether here or far away, are helping improve people's lives, and educating the population about world problems. 

In relation to the Social Change Model of Leadership, all aspects are needed to form a change. The goal is societal change, but as the model shows to reach this goal both group values and self values will changed/affected. By knowing yourself and being consistent with your feelings, beliefs and actions, you can know your strengths and use those to better the community around you. To make any significant change one has to remain committed to their goal, not just back away when the going gets rough. A strong individual can lead a strong group, and as much change as an individual can make, a group can make so much more. Collaboration and a common purpose can drive. Significant amount of change, and controversy with civility provides a healthy way to voice different view points about the same topic, may taking different backgrounds into perspective, which when making a community change is good because there are going to be lots of different types of people. We have to take into consideration everyone who we are helping.

Anywhere one looks the world will always need change, this is the basis of evolution! You never know what kind of change your help could spark, only because you gave some a chance. 

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